senior_project_rubric.doc | |
File Size: | 26 kb |
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12cp_2nd_semester_course_syllabus_and_classroom_expectations.doc | |
File Size: | 36 kb |
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Lesson Plans - 1/24-1/28
Monday, January 24 - Course Syllabus distributed. Senior Project explained. Return parent signature page by Wednesday. Finish reading Act 1 of Richard III.
Tuesday, January 25 - Richard III Act 1 open book quiz. Read Act II silently until everyone finishes the quiz. Review events of the beginning of Act II.
Wednesday, January 26 - Continue reading Act II.
Thursday, January 27 - Tiger Mom article, writing assignment: Is Tiger Mom correct in her assumptions about American teenagers? Do you agree with her parenting style?
Friday, January 28 - Senior Project binder checklist distributed/reviewed. Students need to complete both career assessment and skills assessment on www.careercrusiing.com. Use information gathered on assessments to write a one page career choice declaration. Explain the career/job you've chosen to pursue, why you chose it, the skills you possess that will enable you to be successful in your pursuit. This page should be typed in MLA format, free of errors, and placed behind the binder checklist in your Senior Project binder.
Tuesday, January 25 - Richard III Act 1 open book quiz. Read Act II silently until everyone finishes the quiz. Review events of the beginning of Act II.
Wednesday, January 26 - Continue reading Act II.
Thursday, January 27 - Tiger Mom article, writing assignment: Is Tiger Mom correct in her assumptions about American teenagers? Do you agree with her parenting style?
Friday, January 28 - Senior Project binder checklist distributed/reviewed. Students need to complete both career assessment and skills assessment on www.careercrusiing.com. Use information gathered on assessments to write a one page career choice declaration. Explain the career/job you've chosen to pursue, why you chose it, the skills you possess that will enable you to be successful in your pursuit. This page should be typed in MLA format, free of errors, and placed behind the binder checklist in your Senior Project binder.
Lesson Plans - 1/31-2/4
Monday, January 31 - Finish reading Act II, Begin reading Act III
Tuesday, February 1 - Field Trip to Hilberry Theatre! Students not attending the field trip should read Richard III Act III.
Wednesday, February 2 - Snow Day!
Thursday, February 3 - Senior Project. Type, Save, and Email your "Career Choice" (page 1) for your Senior Project Binder. We started this one page typed assignment last week. This one page career choice declaration should be written in 1st person and free of grammatical errors. Explain the job you've chosen, why you chose it, and the skills you possess that will enable you to be successful in this career. Use MLA format and cite the Career Cruising website (since you should include information obtained from the interest and skill inventory). Create a separate Works Cited page and include the career cruising website and any other sources used. Email your document to [email protected] before the end of the day. Your grade will be based on MLA format and proper writing skills (absolutely no spelling errors are allowed). You will receive an email back containing your grade and suggestions for improvement. Revise and print on Monday. You will also print the results from both career cruising assessments, so be sure to have both completed by Monday.
Friday, February 4 - Richard III - Finish Act III - Quiz on Monday over Acts I, II, III
Tuesday, February 1 - Field Trip to Hilberry Theatre! Students not attending the field trip should read Richard III Act III.
Wednesday, February 2 - Snow Day!
Thursday, February 3 - Senior Project. Type, Save, and Email your "Career Choice" (page 1) for your Senior Project Binder. We started this one page typed assignment last week. This one page career choice declaration should be written in 1st person and free of grammatical errors. Explain the job you've chosen, why you chose it, and the skills you possess that will enable you to be successful in this career. Use MLA format and cite the Career Cruising website (since you should include information obtained from the interest and skill inventory). Create a separate Works Cited page and include the career cruising website and any other sources used. Email your document to [email protected] before the end of the day. Your grade will be based on MLA format and proper writing skills (absolutely no spelling errors are allowed). You will receive an email back containing your grade and suggestions for improvement. Revise and print on Monday. You will also print the results from both career cruising assessments, so be sure to have both completed by Monday.
Friday, February 4 - Richard III - Finish Act III - Quiz on Monday over Acts I, II, III
Lesson Plans - 2/7 - 2/11
Monday, February 7 - Richard III Acts 1-3 Open book quiz
Tuesday, February 8 - Read Richard III Act 4, Scenes 1-3
Wednesday, February 9 - Read Richard III Act 4, Begin Act 5
Thursday, February 10 - Senior Project - Revise Page 1, Print EDP information, Begin education section - Research three institutions of higher education that offer training in your profession. Compare the schools based on the checklist information. Use collegeboard.org as a resource.
Friday, February 11 - Watch Richard III video
Tuesday, February 8 - Read Richard III Act 4, Scenes 1-3
Wednesday, February 9 - Read Richard III Act 4, Begin Act 5
Thursday, February 10 - Senior Project - Revise Page 1, Print EDP information, Begin education section - Research three institutions of higher education that offer training in your profession. Compare the schools based on the checklist information. Use collegeboard.org as a resource.
Friday, February 11 - Watch Richard III video
Lesson Plans - 2/14 - 2/18
Monday, February 14 - SSR
Tuesday, February 15 - Finish reading Richard III
Wednesday, February 16 - Open book Richard III Test
Thursday, February 17 - Senior Project
Friday, February 18 - Watch Richard III movie
Tuesday, February 15 - Finish reading Richard III
Wednesday, February 16 - Open book Richard III Test
Thursday, February 17 - Senior Project
Friday, February 18 - Watch Richard III movie
Lesson Plans - 2/28-3/4
Monday, February 28 - Get Hamlet books, begin reading Act I
Tuesday, March 1 - no class
Wednesday, March 2 - Meet in Room 130. Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Thursday, March 3 - Senior Project. Due Friday - 1-2 page paper addressing the remaining items on the checklist regarding your chosen profession (wages, job outlook forecast where you plan to reside, etc). At this point in your research, you should have a minimum of 15 sources of information. Visit www.bls.gov for great information. Print job specific information from the bls website for your chosen profession.
Try these helpful sites:http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos318.htm#nature (this is an example of what you need to print for your profession - this is for those who want to be teachers.
These two sites have great information. Simply type your profession into the search bar at the top right if you can't find what you're looking for.
For Michigan specific information try this site:http://www.milmi.org/
Need help with citations? Try this: http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=1&new
Excellent source for creating works cited entries - be sure to use MLA format: http://easybib.com/
Need help with MLA format? Try this: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Friday, March 4 - Turn in binders. Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Tuesday, March 1 - no class
Wednesday, March 2 - Meet in Room 130. Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Thursday, March 3 - Senior Project. Due Friday - 1-2 page paper addressing the remaining items on the checklist regarding your chosen profession (wages, job outlook forecast where you plan to reside, etc). At this point in your research, you should have a minimum of 15 sources of information. Visit www.bls.gov for great information. Print job specific information from the bls website for your chosen profession.
Try these helpful sites:http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos318.htm#nature (this is an example of what you need to print for your profession - this is for those who want to be teachers.
These two sites have great information. Simply type your profession into the search bar at the top right if you can't find what you're looking for.
For Michigan specific information try this site:http://www.milmi.org/
Need help with citations? Try this: http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=1&new
Excellent source for creating works cited entries - be sure to use MLA format: http://easybib.com/
Need help with MLA format? Try this: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Friday, March 4 - Turn in binders. Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Lesson Plans - 3/7- 3/11
Monday, March 7 - Finish Hamlet Act 1
Tuesday, March 8 - Hamlet Act 1 Quiz, Begin reading Act 2
Wednesday, March 9 - Continue reading Act 2
Thursday, March 10 - Senior Project. Complete the interview script (questions) and identify the person you will interview. The script and the name, address, phone, email, and job description of the person you will interview is due next Thursday. Complete your interview and type up responses by April 14.
Friday, March 11 - Finish reading Hamlet Act 2 - Take Act 2 quiz
Tuesday, March 8 - Hamlet Act 1 Quiz, Begin reading Act 2
Wednesday, March 9 - Continue reading Act 2
Thursday, March 10 - Senior Project. Complete the interview script (questions) and identify the person you will interview. The script and the name, address, phone, email, and job description of the person you will interview is due next Thursday. Complete your interview and type up responses by April 14.
Friday, March 11 - Finish reading Hamlet Act 2 - Take Act 2 quiz
Lesson Plans 3/14 - 3/18
Monday, March 14 - Begin reading Act 3
Tuesday, March 15 - Continue reading Act 3
Wednesday, March 16 - Finish Act 3, Take Act 3 Quiz
Thursday, March 17 - Senior Project - Turn in interview questions and contact information. Begin working on budget section. Final transcript of the interview due after spring break.
Friday, March 18 - Create a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet should have ten columns at the top indicating years (2011-2021). On the right you will create budget items. First create income for each year. What do you expect to earn each year? Below income you will record expenses. Include all the expected major expenses during these years. Assume you are financially independent.
Use this - or a similar template
Tuesday, March 15 - Continue reading Act 3
Wednesday, March 16 - Finish Act 3, Take Act 3 Quiz
Thursday, March 17 - Senior Project - Turn in interview questions and contact information. Begin working on budget section. Final transcript of the interview due after spring break.
Friday, March 18 - Create a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet should have ten columns at the top indicating years (2011-2021). On the right you will create budget items. First create income for each year. What do you expect to earn each year? Below income you will record expenses. Include all the expected major expenses during these years. Assume you are financially independent.
Use this - or a similar template
Lesson Plans - 3/21 - 3/25
Monday, March 21 - Read Hamlet Act 4
Tuesday, March 22 - Finish Act 4 - take quiz, Begin reading Act 5
Wednesday, March 23 - Finish reading Act 5
Thursday, March 24 - Take Final Hamlet m/c test
Friday, March 25 - Begin Hamlet essays, soliloquy readings from students 1-7
Tuesday, March 22 - Finish Act 4 - take quiz, Begin reading Act 5
Wednesday, March 23 - Finish reading Act 5
Thursday, March 24 - Take Final Hamlet m/c test
Friday, March 25 - Begin Hamlet essays, soliloquy readings from students 1-7
Lesson Plans - 3/28 - 4/1
Monday, March 28 - Work on Hamlet essays, soliloquy readings from students 8-14
Tuesday, March 29 - Final editing of Hamlet essays
Wednesday, March 30 - Hamlet essays due at the beginning of the hour. Soliloquy readings from students 15-20
Thursday, March 31 - Watch Hamlet movie, soliloquy readings from students 21-25
Friday, April 1 - Finish watching Hamlet movie
Tuesday, March 29 - Final editing of Hamlet essays
Wednesday, March 30 - Hamlet essays due at the beginning of the hour. Soliloquy readings from students 15-20
Thursday, March 31 - Watch Hamlet movie, soliloquy readings from students 21-25
Friday, April 1 - Finish watching Hamlet movie
Lesson Plans - 4/11 - 4/15
Monday, April 11- Review graded Hamlet essays, discuss. Begin reading Kite Runner. Finish Chapters 1,2,3 for Tuesday
Tuesday, April 12 - Senior Project budget and interview
Wednesday, April 13 - Kite Runner Chapters 1,2,3 Quiz , Read Chapters 4 & 5
Thursday, April 14 - Senior Project Binder Check - Budget and Interview complete. Begin working on presentation. Presentation dates are posted on the board.
Friday, April 15 - Read Kite Runner through Ch. 7 or work on presentation.
Tuesday, April 12 - Senior Project budget and interview
Wednesday, April 13 - Kite Runner Chapters 1,2,3 Quiz , Read Chapters 4 & 5
Thursday, April 14 - Senior Project Binder Check - Budget and Interview complete. Begin working on presentation. Presentation dates are posted on the board.
Friday, April 15 - Read Kite Runner through Ch. 7 or work on presentation.
Lesson Plans - 4/18 - 4/22
Monday, April 18 - Kite Runner Study Guide Essay Quiz - Chapters 1-7 - Continue reading Kite Runner Chapters 8,9,10
Tuesday, April 19 - Kite Runner Chapters 8,9,10
Wednesday, April 20 - Kite Runner Chapters 11,12
Thursday, April 21 - Senior Project
Friday, April 22 - No school
Tuesday, April 19 - Kite Runner Chapters 8,9,10
Wednesday, April 20 - Kite Runner Chapters 11,12
Thursday, April 21 - Senior Project
Friday, April 22 - No school
Lesson Plans - 4/25 - 4/29
Monday, April 25 - Kite Runner Ch. 1-12 Test
Tuesday, April 26 - Read Kite Runner Ch. 13 & 14
Wednesday, April 27 - Kite Runner Ch. 15. Complete Study Guide Questions for Ch. 13-15
Thursday, April 28 - Senior Project
Friday, April 29 - Senior Project
Tuesday, April 26 - Read Kite Runner Ch. 13 & 14
Wednesday, April 27 - Kite Runner Ch. 15. Complete Study Guide Questions for Ch. 13-15
Thursday, April 28 - Senior Project
Friday, April 29 - Senior Project