Welcome to English 12
Lesson Plans - Week of January 12
Monday, January 12 - Review for Midterm Exam - Hamlet
Tuesday, January 13 - Review for Midterm Exam - Frankenstein Crossword
Wednesday, January 14 - 1/2 day - Exams 1 & 2
Thursday, January 15 - 1/2 day - Exams 3 & 4
Friday, January 16 - 1/2 day Exams 5 & 6
Monday, January 12 - Review for Midterm Exam - Hamlet
Tuesday, January 13 - Review for Midterm Exam - Frankenstein Crossword
Wednesday, January 14 - 1/2 day - Exams 1 & 2
Thursday, January 15 - 1/2 day - Exams 3 & 4
Friday, January 16 - 1/2 day Exams 5 & 6
Lesson Plans - Week of January 5
Monday, January 5 - Lab 300 - Print out of Science and Technology/Frankenstein Presentations due at the end of the hour. No exceptions. All students need to email their powerpoint to me at [email protected] by the end of the day.
1/6-1/9 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday - Presentationsll
Monday, January 5 - Lab 300 - Print out of Science and Technology/Frankenstein Presentations due at the end of the hour. No exceptions. All students need to email their powerpoint to me at [email protected] by the end of the day.
1/6-1/9 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday - Presentationsll
Lesson Plans - Week of December 15
Monday, December 15 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring - Final SSR Day - Homework: Frankenstein Chapters 20 & 21
Tuesday, December 16 - Lab 300 to work on Science/Technology Presentations - Homework: Frankenstein Chapters 22 & 23
Wednesday, December 17 - Frankenstein Chapter 24 - Review
Thursday, December 18 - Frankenstein - Final quiz
Friday, December 19 - 1/2 day - Work on Science/Technology Presentations
Monday, December 15 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring - Final SSR Day - Homework: Frankenstein Chapters 20 & 21
Tuesday, December 16 - Lab 300 to work on Science/Technology Presentations - Homework: Frankenstein Chapters 22 & 23
Wednesday, December 17 - Frankenstein Chapter 24 - Review
Thursday, December 18 - Frankenstein - Final quiz
Friday, December 19 - 1/2 day - Work on Science/Technology Presentations
Lesson Plans - Week of December 8
Monday, December 8 - Vocabulary 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring, Exit Ticket = Frankenstein Homework: Read Frankenstein Ch. 12 & 13 Tuesday, December 9 - Vocabulary 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 - Lab 300 to work on Science/Technology Presentations - Homework: Read Frankenstein Ch. 14 & 15 Wednesday, December 10 - Vocabulary 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 - Frankenstein Chapters 16 & 17 Thursday, December 11 - Vocab 60-67 - Frankenstein Chapters 18 & 19 Friday, December 12 - Quiz - Frankenstein Chapters 10-19 and Vocab 45-67 Need to download a copy of The Girl with the Pearl Earring?
Try this link: http://www.youblisher.com/p/841258-Girl-With-A-Pearl-Earring/ Lesson Plans - Week of December 1
Monday, December 1 - Vocab 23-28, Discuss Hamlet Test, Read Frankenstein Chapter 5 Tuesday, December 2 - Vocab 29-34, Read Frankenstein Chapter 6 Wednesday, December 3 - Vocab 35-40, Read Frankenstein Chapter 7 & 8 Thursday, December 4 - Vocab 41-44, Vocab Review, Read Frankenstein Chapter 9 Friday, December 5 - Frankenstein Chapter 1-8 Quiz including Vocab 23-44 - Homework: Read Frankenstein Chapters 10 and 11. Lesson Plans - Week of November 24
Monday, November 24 - Hamlet Extra Credit Day! Frankenstein Vocab Quiz - words 1-22, After quiz read The Girl with the Pearl Earring Tuesday, November 25 - 1/2 Day - Read The Girl with the Pearl Earring Enjoy Thanksgiving! Lesson Plans - Week of November 17
Monday, November 17 - Frankenstein Vocab Bell Work, Introduction to Mary Shelley & Frankenstein,SSR - Girl with the Pearl Earring -turn in all SSR journal entries Tuesday, November 18 - Frankenstein Vocab Bell Work, Frankenstein Letters 1,2,3,4 - pages 1-14. Wednesday, November 19 - Frankenstein Vocab Bell Work, Complete Letter 1 Reading Guide, Discuss Frankenstein letter 4 (pgs 8-14) Read Chapter 1 (pgs. 14-18) and Chapter 2 Complete exit ticket paragraph on Chapter 1. Thursday, November 20 - Frankenstein Vocab Bell Work, Read and discuss - Frankenstein Chapter 3 Friday, November 21 - Frankenstein Vocab Bell Work, Read and discuss - Frankenstein Chapter 4 Lesson Plans - Week of November 10
Monday, November 10 - Hamlet Extra Credit Discussed, Watch Hamlet movie Tuesday, November 11 - Hamlet Vocab/Quotes to know bell work,Finish Hamlet movie, Begin Mind Map Exercise Wednesday, November 12 - Hamlet Vocab/Quotes to know bell work, Finish Hamlet Mind Map exercise Thursday, November 13 - Final Hamlet Test Friday, November 14 - 1/2 Day - Hours 4,5,6 Finish Hamlet movie ![]()
Lesson Plans - Week of November 3
Monday, November 3 - Hamlet Vocab/Quotes to know bell work, Read Hamlet Act V Tuesday, November 4 - No School - VOTE! Wednesday, November 5 - District Writing Assessment, Hamlet paragraph exit ticket Thursday, November 6 - College Applications in Media Center w/Counselors Friday, November 7 - Hamlet Vocab/Quotes to know bell work,Finish District Writing Assessment, SSR Lesson Plans - Week of October 27
Monday, October 27 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work, Return all Research Papers and discuss College Application Week plans, SSR - Girl with the Pearl Earring Tuesday, October 28 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work, Read Hamlet Act III. Wednesday, October 29 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work, Finish Hamlet Act III. Hamlet Act III Quiz. Thursday, October 30 - Hamlet Quotes to know bellwork, Begin reading Hamlet Act IV Friday, October 31 - Hamlet Quotes to know bellwork, Finish reading Hamlet Act IV, Begin Reading Hamlet Act V. |
Lesson Plans - Week of October 20
Monday, October 20 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Lab 300 - Work on and print rough draft of College Research Paper (due Thursday) Check out the admission guideline handout! Tuesday, October 21 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work -Watch Hamlet movie through Act III Wednesday, October 22 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - In Lab 300 - Peer Edit - Finish College Research Paper Thursday, October 23 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Final copy of research paper due at beginning of the hour. Begin reading Hamlet Act III Friday, October 24 - 1/2 day - Final Day of 1st Card Marking - Hours 1,2,3 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring |
Lesson Plans - Week of October 13
Monday, October 13 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. Students will continue to research three colleges. Use this resource to help with works cited entries and parenthetical citations:
Tuesday, October 14 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Hamlet Act II, read scene i and watch scenes i and ii.
Wednesday, October 15 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Finish reading Hamlet Act II
Thursday, October 16 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Watch Hamlet (20 min) Hamlet Act II quiz
Friday, October 17 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Monday, October 13 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. Students will continue to research three colleges. Use this resource to help with works cited entries and parenthetical citations:
Tuesday, October 14 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Hamlet Act II, read scene i and watch scenes i and ii.
Wednesday, October 15 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Finish reading Hamlet Act II
Thursday, October 16 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Watch Hamlet (20 min) Hamlet Act II quiz
Friday, October 17 - SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Lesson Plans - Week of October 6
Monday, October 6 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. Begin college search. College research paper due in two weeks (Thursday, October 24). See rubric below. Utilize the following websites for remedial help with MLA format:
Tuesday, October 7 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Continue reading Hamlet Act 1.
Wednesday, October 8 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Thursday, October 9 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Finish Hamlet Act 1, Review for quiz
Friday, October 10 - Hamlet Act 1 quiz
Monday, October 6 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. Begin college search. College research paper due in two weeks (Thursday, October 24). See rubric below. Utilize the following websites for remedial help with MLA format:
Tuesday, October 7 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Continue reading Hamlet Act 1.
Wednesday, October 8 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Continue reading Hamlet Act 1
Thursday, October 9 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Finish Hamlet Act 1, Review for quiz
Friday, October 10 - Hamlet Act 1 quiz

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Lesson Plans - Week of September 29
Monday, September 29 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. See the handout below for a checklist of portfolio items that need to be completed by Friday, October 3.
Tuesday, September 30 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Introduction to Hamlet, notes
Wednesday, October 1 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Begin Hamlet. Watch Act I, scene i and ii then read it aloud in class.
Thursday, October 2 - IOWA testing
Friday, October 3 - LAM checklist due. IOWA testing
Monday, September 29 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - LAM Project. See the handout below for a checklist of portfolio items that need to be completed by Friday, October 3.
Tuesday, September 30 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Introduction to Hamlet, notes
Wednesday, October 1 - Hamlet Vocab Bell work - Begin Hamlet. Watch Act I, scene i and ii then read it aloud in class.
Thursday, October 2 - IOWA testing
Friday, October 3 - LAM checklist due. IOWA testing

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Lesson Plans - Week of September 22
Monday 9/22 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work - LAM Project - Continue to build your digital portfolio on the www.michigancap.org website. Complete all of the interest inventories under the planning tab and the "get to know yourself" tab. Save your results! Once all inventories are complete, search careers that match your interests and values. Save at least three potential careers by clicking "save to my occupations." The results will all appear in your portfolio under the "educational development plan." All three inventories should be completed by next Monday. Additionally, all students should have at least three potential career choices saved in their portfolio. NOTE: your career choices DO NOT have to match your inventories, but should reflect the career plan you intend to pursue in your Life After Mott. Be prepared to include information on your inventories and reasons for selecting your chosen career in your Semester 1 presentations.
Tuesday 9/23 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work -Return and discuss the following graded assignments: resume, Anglo-Saxon & Middle Ages reading guide, Beowulf open book quiz, Canterbury Tales and Pardoners Tale handout, and Vocab quiz #1, Use the graded assignments to study for Thursday's test.
Wednesday 9/24 - Private meeting with counselors to discuss graduation status and plans after graduation. All students should create an account with Parchment. Follow this link for instructions: http://wmhscounseling.weebly.com/transcripts.html
Thursday 9/25 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work -Anglo-Saxon & Middle Ages m/c Test. Questions from Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Pardoner's Tale, and in-class notes.
Friday 9/26 - SSR - Continue reading The Girl with the Pearl Earring. Respond to one group member's journal entry and write one of your own.
Monday 9/22 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work - LAM Project - Continue to build your digital portfolio on the www.michigancap.org website. Complete all of the interest inventories under the planning tab and the "get to know yourself" tab. Save your results! Once all inventories are complete, search careers that match your interests and values. Save at least three potential careers by clicking "save to my occupations." The results will all appear in your portfolio under the "educational development plan." All three inventories should be completed by next Monday. Additionally, all students should have at least three potential career choices saved in their portfolio. NOTE: your career choices DO NOT have to match your inventories, but should reflect the career plan you intend to pursue in your Life After Mott. Be prepared to include information on your inventories and reasons for selecting your chosen career in your Semester 1 presentations.
Tuesday 9/23 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work -Return and discuss the following graded assignments: resume, Anglo-Saxon & Middle Ages reading guide, Beowulf open book quiz, Canterbury Tales and Pardoners Tale handout, and Vocab quiz #1, Use the graded assignments to study for Thursday's test.
Wednesday 9/24 - Private meeting with counselors to discuss graduation status and plans after graduation. All students should create an account with Parchment. Follow this link for instructions: http://wmhscounseling.weebly.com/transcripts.html
Thursday 9/25 - Hamlet Vocab Bell Work -Anglo-Saxon & Middle Ages m/c Test. Questions from Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Pardoner's Tale, and in-class notes.
Friday 9/26 - SSR - Continue reading The Girl with the Pearl Earring. Respond to one group member's journal entry and write one of your own.
Lesson Plans - Week of September 15
Monday 9/15 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Vocab 1-20 quiz. LAM Project work: finish profile and connection w/Mrs. Peabody. Work on resume - Due Thursday!
Tuesday 9/16 and Wednesday, 9/17- Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Read Canterbury Tales in class and work on reading guide handout.
Thursday 9/18 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Resume due hours 3-6! Finish Canterbury Tales and The Pardoner's Tale and complete reading guide.
Friday, 9/19 - 1st Hour Resume Due/SSR
Monday 9/15 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Vocab 1-20 quiz. LAM Project work: finish profile and connection w/Mrs. Peabody. Work on resume - Due Thursday!
Tuesday 9/16 and Wednesday, 9/17- Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Read Canterbury Tales in class and work on reading guide handout.
Thursday 9/18 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Resume due hours 3-6! Finish Canterbury Tales and The Pardoner's Tale and complete reading guide.
Friday, 9/19 - 1st Hour Resume Due/SSR

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- Lesson Plans - Week of September 8
Tuesday, 9/9 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Hours 1-4 - LAM project. Complete registration, connection to teacher, and profile. Hours 5 & 6 - Open book Beowulf quiz.
Wednesday, 9/10 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Resume writing lecture/notes, brainstorm Beowulf's resume and cover letter. Work in groups to create one resume and cover letter.
Thursday, 9/11 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Present resumes and cover letters in class. Review guidelines for student resume that will be uploaded to the michigancap.org profile (due 9/16)
Friday 9/12 - Begin SSR - The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Lesson Plans - Week of September 2
Tuesday 9/2 - Course Syllabus distributed/discussed
Wednesday 9/3 - Books distributed: Hamlet & Frankenstein. A classroom set of British Literature books will be used in the classroom for the next two weeks. Anglo-Saxon Period and Middle Ages handout distributed. Students complete individually in class.
Thursday, 9/4 - Additional work on Middle Ages handout. Handout corrected and discussed in class. Introduction to Beowulf. Students will take notes on characteristics of an epic poem, epic heroes, and literary devices used in Beowulf.
Friday 9/5 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Hours 1-4: Listen to audio recording of Beowulf and follow along in book. Hours 5 & 6: Introduction to LAM (Life after Mott) Project. Handout distributed. Class meetings with administrators during last 30 minutes of class.
Tuesday 9/2 - Course Syllabus distributed/discussed
Wednesday 9/3 - Books distributed: Hamlet & Frankenstein. A classroom set of British Literature books will be used in the classroom for the next two weeks. Anglo-Saxon Period and Middle Ages handout distributed. Students complete individually in class.
Thursday, 9/4 - Additional work on Middle Ages handout. Handout corrected and discussed in class. Introduction to Beowulf. Students will take notes on characteristics of an epic poem, epic heroes, and literary devices used in Beowulf.
Friday 9/5 - Beowulf/Canterbury Tales Vocab Bell Work -Hours 1-4: Listen to audio recording of Beowulf and follow along in book. Hours 5 & 6: Introduction to LAM (Life after Mott) Project. Handout distributed. Class meetings with administrators during last 30 minutes of class.